(1926 - ) |
Robert Bly was born in western
Minnesota in 1926 to parents of
Norwegian stock. He enlisted in the
Navy in 1944 and spent two years
there. Beginning in 1954, he took two years at the University of Iowa at the Writers Workshop along with W. D. Snodgrass, Donald Justice, and others. In 1956 he received a Fulbright grant to travel to Norway and translate Norwegian poetry into English. While there he found not only his relatives but the work of a number of major poets whose force was not present in the United States, among them Pablo Neruda, Cesar Vallejo, Gunnar Ekelof, Georg Trakl and Harry Martinson. He determined then to start a literary magazine for poetry translation in the United States and so begin "The Fifties" and "The Sixties" and "The Seventies" which introduced many of these poets to the writers of his generation, and published as well essays on American poets and insults to those deserving. During this time he lived on a farm in Minnesota with his wife and children.
1966 he co-founded
Writers Against the
War and led much of
opposition among writers
that war. When he won the
Book Award for "The
Around the Body," he
His work "Iron John: A Book About Men" is an international
bestseller which has been translated into many languages. He
frequently does workshops for men with James Hillman and
others, and workshops for men and women with Marion
Woodman. He and his wife, Ruth, along with the storyteller
Gioia Timpanelli, frequently conduct seminars on European
fairy tales. In Recent books of poetry include "What Have I Ever Lost by Dying?" and "Collected Prose Poems and Meditations on the Insatiable Soul," both published by Harper Collins. His second large prose book, "The Sibling Society," published by Addison-Wesley in hardcover and Vintage in paperback, is the subject of nation-wide discussion. His collection, "Morning Poems" (Harper Collins), named for William Stafford’s practice of writing a poem each morning, revisits the western Minnesota farm country of Bly’s boyhood with marvelous wit and warmth. He has recently published "The Maiden King: The Reunion of Masculine and Feminine" (Henry Holt) in collaboration with Marion Woodman. His new selected poems, "Eating the Honey of Words," has recently appeared from Harper Flamingo, as well as his translations of Ghalib, "The Lightning Should Have Fallen on Ghalib" (with Sunil Dutta) from Ecco Press. He has also edited the prestigious "Best American Poetry 1999" (Scribners).
biography and photos of Robert Bly are reprinted, with permission, from the
official Robert Bly website at http://www.robertbly.com. They are copyrighted,
2001, by Robert Bly; All Rights Reserved. Any duplication, in any form,
without the written consent of the copyright holder is prohibited. |
Website copyright 1998-2002, Roger M. Grace. All rights reserved.